Dísa’s story
dinner with Margrét, Lars, Micho, Steffi, Zorak, Frank, and Thórdís (Dísa), where she writes the following story: Das Gedicht: Ich und du. Du und ich. Wir sind beide gut! Eine Geschichte: Es war einmal...
View Articlerearriving
back to Kiel briefly. eating a bag of M&M’s in the train. crossing through Wittenberge in the former East, there is still a complete awareness of the divided society here. derelict buildings...
View Articlenotes on creativity
most of the texts that I have been absorbing in the last weeks deal with creativity as a discontinuous (non-cyclic) and anomalous event rising above the normal “level” of daily life. this view is an...
View Articlehere
twists and turns. waking before the early dawn to see the cloudless sky painted in many colors. silence broken by the furnace, and the cat who, once she realizes anybody is awake, begins to yowl for...
View Articlesilke texts
got a phone today. back to mobile living. way-points. stadia. and organizing life. measuring all things. and along comes a small hypertext work, notes on networks. I call it the silke text — it was...
View ArticleI couldn’t understand it
my primary work when one calls it that, is the work in fundamental critique of the (meta)structure(s) that we are embedded in, in this sensual reality. it is not about the exigencies of work. It is...
View ArticleCarillion article
for the record, as the university (of Colorado) no longer publishes nor maintains the archive of this magazine, this is the text of an article done by a CU J-School graduate student, Nicole Gordon....
View Articleproto definitions
the end of this year approaches. I jot down some definitions for class: Proto definitions: digital art – artifacts/performances enabled by a digital device (computer)net art – art(ifacts?) on the net...
View Articlewomanifesto
my entry for the exhibition womanifesto Procreation/Postcreation in Bangkok that Varsha asked me to join — turns out that she uses the simple entry as a main element of the exhibition poster, invites,...
View ArticleVulgi opinio Error
speaking of modern, post-modern, along with avant-garde, and such terms… some very abstract musings: I am wondering if there is a connection between the concept of being ‘avant garde’ or ‘modern’ with...
View ArticleRexroth
Mr. Sobol, while mentioning his wonderful gigblog, finds resonance in my travelog and the work of Kenneth Rexroth, and sends one of Rexroth’s works along. Inversely, As The Square Of Their Distances...
View Articlethe Great Society
on the way back from Phoenix, a stop at Arcosanti, which seems to be tired and spent, not so much changed since I visited about 20 years ago. some of the constructions seem to be very comfortable...
View ArticleValentines
White Heliotrope The feverish room and that white bed, The tumbled skirts upon a chair, The novel flung half-open, where Hat, hair-pins, puffs, and paints are spread; The mirror that has sucked your...
View Articlethe travelog
catching up with the kids to see how they grow. and plenty of chances to participate in the raptor hunting/feeding events despite the icy snow and such weather that I’m not so used to. prepping to...
View Articlegarden house
tippling, tripling, toppling, tanking. what to say. when texts compile, and interesting meetings line up, and projects pile up, and such like. Kiel is busy, but folks are not feeling too well, sick...
View ArticleArt and Teaching Philosophy
ART Art, at its social core, is the trace of an engaged pathway. A pathway that conducts the circulation and exchange of creative human energies as they are attenuated by a vast range of mediative...
View ArticleMigrating: Art: Academies: done
After eight weeks of intensive effort, sometimes re-writing almost from scratch a wide range of (English-second-language) articles, essays, and academic papers, the second and final book from the MigAA...
View Articlechilly morning words
Chilly morning words form. Brushing away the crust of ice formed by dreams of last night. And other morning words of resolution. Or just thoughts. Words. With cornbread heating in the oven. New warmth...
View Articlethe big road
Coming soon to the Digital Drive-In terminal nearest you will be the traffic reports direct from America courtesy of the artist John Hopkins who will be rolling west on The Big Road during the month of...
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